Sunday, December 29, 2019

28 delitos agravados y graves consecuencias migratorias

Los delitos agravados, conocidos en inglà ©s como aggravated felony, son una categorà ­a de acciones—algunos felonà ­as, otros no—con consecuencias migratorias gravà ­simas. Por eso es necesario que todos los extranjero en Estados Unidos, incluidos los residentes permanentes legales, los indocumentados y las personas con visas no inmigrante o situaciones particulares como asilados, sepan cuà ¡les son estos delitos agravados y quà © sucede cuando una persona ha sido condenada por uno de ellos. En este artà ­culo puedes enterarte de quià ©n decide quà © son delitos agravados, quà © acciones son calificadas asà ­, quà © se debe hacer si te acusan de uno y cuà ¡les son las consecuencias desde el punto de vista de inmigracià ³n.  ¿Quià ©n decide lo que es un delito agravado? El Congreso de los Estados Unidos es quien decide quà © accià ³n es un delito agravado. Al principio sà ³lo los delitos mà ¡s graves tenà ­an esta consideracià ³n, como por ejemplo el asesinato, el homicidio, el trà ¡fico ilà ­cito de armas o el trà ¡fico de drogas. Sin embargo, con el paso de los aà ±os se fueron incluyendo otros no tan graves, incluso acciones que en algunos estados ni siquiera son delitos (felonies) y son simplemente consideradas como faltas, que se conocen en inglà ©s como misdemeanors. Ademà ¡s, hay que tener en cuenta que en el momento en el que el Congreso decide que una accià ³n es delito agravado, si la has cometido incluso antes de ese momento, te conviertes automà ¡ticamente en deportable. La à ºnica excepcià ³n son  los casos en los que expresamente el Congreso dice que la inclusià ³n de una nueva accià ³n en la lista de delitos agravados sà ³lo se aplicarà ¡ a los que se comentan a partir de ese momento. Pero hasta este momento esto nunca ha sucedido, sino todo lo contrario: cuando se incluye en la ley migratoria una nueva accià ³n con la calificacià ³n de delito agravado aplica con carà ¡cter retroactivo, es decir, para las condenas posteriores al cambio legal y tambià ©n incluso a las condenas anteriores. Listado de acciones calificadas como delitos agravados Por sus enormes consecuencias migratorias, es muy importante saber cuà ¡les son los delitos agravados o aggravated felony. Entre otros, destacan los siguientes: Abuso sexual de menores—Aquà ­ hay que tener muy en consideracià ³n las leyes de cada estado. Por ejemplo, puede suceder que se considere abuso sexual una relacià ³n consentida entre una persona de 17 aà ±os y otra de 16. Hay que estar muy atentos a las edades de consentimiento.Pornografà ­a infantilViolacià ³n y asesinatoDelitos violentos con una pena superior al aà ±o de prisià ³n.Robo y allanamiento de morada con condenas superiores a un aà ±o.Evasià ³n fiscal por encima de los $200,000, lavado de dinero y trà ¡fico en documentos fraudulentos asà ­ como revelacià ³n de informacià ³n relacionada con la seguridad nacionalPerjurio y obstruccià ³n a la Justicia en los casos de condenas superiores a un aà ±o y alteracià ³n de las placas de autosDelitos de drogas por trà ¡fico o posesià ³n de drogas—Para mà ¡s informacià ³n sobre este asunto se puede consultar la INA,  la  ley que regula Inmigracià ³n y Naturalizacià ³n, ya que hay una excepcià ³n para una à ºnica posesià ³n para consumo propio de marihuana cuando la cantidad sea inferior a 30 gramosPeticià ³n de rescates, sobornos o fraude cometido contra otra persona o el Gobierno por un monto superior a $10,000Reentrar en el paà ­s sin permiso despuà ©s de haber sido deportado. Ademà ¡s, puede ser castigado hasta 2 aà ±os de cà ¡rcel.Pertenencia a una mafiaFalsificacià ³n de dineroTrà ¡fico de armas o material explosivoTrà ¡fico ilegal de extranjerosNo comparecer en corte cuando se està ¡ juzgando un crimen por el que la sentencia puede ser superior a los dos aà ±osPosesià ³n de un arma sin licencia (hay una posible excepcià ³n para los residentes permanentes)Presentar una planilla de impuestos falsa (tax return)Asalto (battery)—En algunos estados es necesario un abuso fà ­sico grave o golpear duramente para cometer este delito. En otros estados, acciones que alguna gente cree que no son graves como jalar (halar, tirar) el cabello de otra persona es un delito de asalto.La violencia domà ©stica puede ser calificada de delito agravado o de inmoral. Es muy importante saber cà ³mo se califica en un caso concreto porque las consecuencias pueden muy distintas Desde el punto de vista de inmigracià ³n, los delitos agravados tienen consecuencias negativas tanto si te condenan como autor o por haber conspirado para cometerlos, aunque no se llegaran a cometer y quedaran en grado de tentativa o de frustracià ³n. Quà © hacer ante una acusacià ³n de un delito o accià ³n que puede ser calificada como delito agravado Buscar un abogado criminalista que entienda las consecuencias migratorias. El objetivo prioritario es evitar una condena por una accià ³n que las leyes de Inmigracià ³n califican como delito agravado. Incluso pueden ser necesarios dos abogados, un especialista penal y otro migratorio. La lucha importante es evitar ser condenado por un delito que las leyes migratorias consideran como agravado. Quà © va a pasar inmediatamente despuà ©s de cumplir la sentencia por un delito agravado Una vez que se cumple la sentencia por el delito agravado comienza el problema con Inmigracià ³n. Pasas a estar en custodia migratoria, esto es, detenido. Y aquà ­ se van a dar dos posibilidades, dependiendo de tu situacià ³n migratoria, es decir, si eres un residente permanente legal o si no lo eres. Personas que no son residentes permanentes legales: pueden ser deportadas muy rà ¡pidamente, sin tener la opcià ³n de presentar su caso ante un juez de inmigracià ³n. En este caso, no pueden pedir asilo, ni tampoco una cancelacià ³n de la deportacià ³n (cancellation of removal, en inglà ©s). Salvo casos muy excepcionales tampoco puede pedir que se paralice momentà ¡neamente la deportacià ³n mediante lo que se conoce en inglà ©s como withholding of removal.Personas que son residentes permanentes legales: un juez de inmigracià ³n decidirà ¡ si mientras se resuelve su caso tienen que permanecer detenidas o si se les fija una fianza o si pueden quedar libres dando su palabra de que se presentarà ¡n a Corte cuando se les cite. Si en el desarrollo del caso se decide que va a ser deportado casi no tiene opciones para luchar. Ningà ºn extranjero, ni residente permanente ni titular de una visa ni indocumentado que ha sido condenado por un delito agravado puede beneficiarse de una salida voluntaria. Una vez que se ha sido deportado por un delito agravado,  ¿cuà ¡les son las consecuencias? El castigo es una prohibicià ³n para regresar a Estados Unidos de por vida. Es decir, nunca te van a dar ni una visa no inmigrante ni una visa de inmigrante (tarjeta de residencia) para regresar. La à ºnica excepcià ³n son los casos rarà ­simos en los que cumpliendo con muchos requisitos y despuà ©s de haber pasado diez aà ±os seguidos fuera de Estados Unidos se pide un perdà ³n especial directamente al Departamento de Seguridad Interna (Homeland Security Department). Tambià ©n se conoce como waiver o, en algunos paà ­ses, como permiso. La verdad es que es rarà ­simo que se apruebe esta clase de perdà ³n especial, se necesita tener un buen caso, ameritar el perdà ³n y contar con un abogado especialista con experiencia exitosa en este tipo de casos. Quà © mà ¡s hay que saber sobre la deportacià ³n Una condena por un delito agravado no es la à ºnica razà ³n por la que se puede deportar a un extranjero. Tambià ©n por otros delitos aunque no tengan ese calificativo y tambià ©n por los considerados  inmorales. Aunque en estos casos puede haber mà ¡s opciones para luchar, dependiendo del caso y las circunstancias de cada migrante. Tambià ©n es posible la deportacià ³n por faltas (misdemeanor) e incluso tambià ©n por violaciones migratorias. Si bien lo que causa peores consecuencias son los delitos agravados. Finalmente, para evitar problemas gravà ­simos, alà ©jate de las peleas y situaciones conflictivas y contrata a un abogado si te acusan de algo grave. Ademà ¡s, conoce cuà ¡les son las opciones para luchar contra una deportacià ³n en los casos en los que el problema NO es un delito agravado y cuà ¡les son las prioridades de las autoridades para deportar a migrantes. Un castigo a los deportados por delito agravado a tener muy en cuenta Las personas que han sido deportadas por un delito agravado y regresan ilegalmente a los Estados Unidos pueden ser condenadas hasta 20 aà ±os de prisià ³n. Una vez que cumplen la condena serà ¡n de nuevo deportados. Este es un artà ­culo informativo. no es asesorà ­a legal.

Saturday, December 21, 2019

My Values Changed Over Time - 844 Words

I am going to talk about my values today. My values have changed over time. Beginning at a young age I tended to go away from the Christian values that I was taught by my grandparents and parents. Early on in my life, I turned away from the hard working values that was passed down by them. I was not taught to communicate my feelings when I was younger. I turned to drugs so I did not have to deal with feelings. I did not want to feel anything, so I used drugs and alcohol to escape reality. Early on in my life, I did not teach my son very good values. When my son was born, I gave him to my parents because I wanted to use drugs and alcohol. Early on, the culture I was showing my son was giving up on responsibilities and breaking the rules of the land to get ahead in life. I was teaching him to not care about anyone but himself. I was teaching my son that it is okay to not have ambitions or goals in life. I would like to use Parks Model of Spiritual Identify to identify which development model I can relate to the most at this point in my life. Like I explained in my first paper my family raised me in a Pentecost and Southern Baptist church. This model has four stages the first stage is adolescence/conventional, young adult, tested adult, and mature adult. I was taught that was the only religion that was right and Jesus Christ was the one and true savor of mankind. When I was younger I was made to go to church every Sunday and Wednesday. There was no reason I could stay home.Show MoreRelatedHow Family Dynamics Changed The World Essay952 Words   |  4 PagesFamily dynamics have changed in many ways over the past fifty to one hundred years. Recreational activities, including hobbies and holidays have changed as the â€Å"small world† seemed to expand with inventions of things like vehicular transportation and the internet. 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Friday, December 13, 2019

Design for a Deep Space Communications System Free Essays

The communication system will comprise of a redundant dual-band transmission channel, namely an S-band system and an X-band system. The S-band system will be designed specifically for providing tracking, telemetry and control, while the X-band will be used exclusively for telemetry and scientific data. These systems will operate within their specified ranges (S-band: transmit – 2290-2300 MHz, receive – 2110-2120 MHz, X-band: transmit – 7145-7190 MHz, receive – 8400-8450 MHz[1]) as would be specified by the ____Governing body____. We will write a custom essay sample on Design for a Deep Space Communications System or any similar topic only for you Order Now The basic mission requirements and assumptions have changed since the general specifications laid out in Assignment 3, primarily that the satellite must land on, or come in contact with, the comet at some point rather than perform a fly-by. With this in mind, the individual components that will be used on the communications system are detailed in the following sections Antennas: There will be both an omnidirectional S-band helical antenna[2], specifically designed for telemetry and commands, as well as a 2.2 metre high-gain antenna[3], akin to the Rosetta satellite antenna. This antenna has optimal performance within both S- and X-band frequencies and both are manufactured by RUAG Space AG, based in Switzerland. Transponder: The system will incorporate two redundant small deep-space transponders (SDST’s) [4], developed by General Dynamics and NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory. This device combines a number of communication functions – receiver, command detector, telemetry modulator, exciter, beacon generator and control functions all into one package. This transponder has Ka-band capability as well for future missions, which comprises of a second X-to-Ka band multiplier. Envelope Size: 7.13†L x 6.55†W x 4.50†H Mass: 7.0 lbs (3.2 kg) Input Supply Power: Receiver Only: 12.5 W Receiver + X-band Exciter: 15.8 W Amplifiers: Two 17 W, 8.4 GHz solid-state power amplifiers[5], manufactured by General Dynamics will be implemented as smaller, lighter and less expensive alternative to the traveling-wave-tube X-band amplifier. These amplifiers are designed for use as a ‘companion unit’ to the SDST and can supply telemetry signals that can be connected directly to the SDST to make a complete transmitter/receiver with a single data interface. Maximum dimensions: 6.85†L x 5.275†W x 1.85†H Mass: 3.02 lbs (1.37 kg) Data interface: MIL-STD-1553B data interface Other components: Other smaller components include a diplexer, attached to the high-gain amplifier, which will allow the S- and X- band transmitter to use the same antenna, as well as allowing the antenna to be used for transmissions on one band and receive on another band. The system will also require a coupler to assign the amplifiers to the respective antennas as well as a hybrid coupler between the amplifiers and the transponders to allow either transponder to drive either amplifier without requiring active switching. Issues in Deep Space Communications: Compared with normal satellite communications, deep-space communications present a significant challenge – specifically from the distance resulting in low signal-to-noise ratio, propagation delays, corruption as well as environmental factors such as temperature variations and electromagnetic radiation. The satellite will be passing behind the Sun for a period of time, it is important to note that communication will be masked for a substantial period of time. One possible solution is to take advantage of NASA’s STEREO (Solar TERrestrial Relations Observatory) satellites in orbit around the sun to provide a link between the satellite-comet intercept point and Earth while the satellite is obscured. How to cite Design for a Deep Space Communications System, Papers

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Topic Assignment-Psychology free essay sample

Assignment Topic: Intellectual Disability State: An IQ test is used for several reasons, even to determine if an individual ha intellectual disability. Intellectual disability (also known as mental retardation), is a condition in which a persons behavioral and cognitive skills exist at an earlier development stage, developmentally delayed. Elaborate: In other words, there are individuals that are taking longer to develop. They are developmentally delayed, meaning that their behavioral and cognitive skills exit at an earlier developmental stage than the skills of others who are the same hronological age. Without all the technical terms, basically these individuals have a harder time to develop and get involve in things any other individual would do, because they depend on someone else and most of the time they cannot live independently. To determine who has intellectual disability they must have an IQ lower than 70, adaptive behavior skills are low, and limitations presented by age 10. We will write a custom essay sample on Topic Assignment-Psychology or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Exemplify: For example, when we were all in high school there were a few students who had their specials needs. They received the same opportunities as us, but also ould have their own special class to help them out with their disabilities. Most of the individuals had a staff with them at all times because they were not able to do things on their own. Illustrate: part 2: Partner 1 Name: I learned from about Ideal Self. Ideal Self is basically when someone is influenced by someone else and they try to become them. His example was perfect on how children see an athlete and they want to become Just like them because of how good they are, according to the child. I mentioned to about a different example on how I saw it. Children like superheroes when they are young and IVe seen this frequently when a child wants to become Spiderman, Batman, etc Partner 2 Name: I learned from about the Latency stage. He explains to me that this stage is when children dont pay attention to opposite sex. Once he said that I thought about when I was young we used to say boys had cooties and girls had cooties. In the end that is what meant. His example made me laugh but it is true, when they are young they dont getting touched by the opposite sex. Topic Assignment-Psychology By eli_shorty

Thursday, November 28, 2019

Smuckers Co. Case Analysis free essay sample

Mission/Vision Analysis The Smucker mission statement (appendix) is weak from an investment standpoint. It is clearly targeted at the consumer. It vaguely mentions cultural values and a tradition of â€Å"success† not measured financially but by factors such as an impact on society. The vision statement is concise and clearly states Smucker’s objectives of growth, ethics, independence, and quality that will guide all future strategies. Their vision statement gives Smucker’s an opportunity to inform future investors on their intention to grow. External analysis In February 2010, the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) sent letters to more than a dozen food or beverage manufacturers, looking for them to correct or change such label items as health or nutrient claims. In the future, product labeling and advertising will receive additional reviews from the FDA, the US Federal Trade Commission (FTC), and other agencies† (Graves). For Smucker’s this will translate as increased research and development costs as they strive to meet the health and wellness needs of the US consumer. We will write a custom essay sample on Smuckers Co. Case Analysis or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page This is an opportunity for Smucker’s to be an industry leader in more healthful processed food choices. It will be costly preemptively taking measures to ensure labels are up to the FDA’s standards will save us money in the future. Currently, the state of the recovering economy is a major threat to Smucker’s market share for processed goods. Consumer confidence is low and commodity prices are on the rise (table 1). Unemployment rose from 9. 3 in 2009 to 9. 6 in 2010, this coupled with weakness in the job, real estate, and stock markets, and a large population approaching retirement, has made US consumers more cautious about spending. Price sensitive buyers are likely to continue buying less expensive private label products. The increased value of personal health in American society is an opportunity for Smuckers. Many manufacturers promote both what their products contain (e. g. , antioxidants) and what they don’t (e. g. , trans fats). Several companies such as Cambell Soup have reformulated their foods to lessen the amount of sugar and salts in them. This trend is an opportunity for Smuckers to develop new product lines with healthier options. The increased inventory and price monitoring capabilities of large retailers poses a threat to Smucker’s in a competitively priced environment. This technology allows retailers to see what consumers are buying and what price differential it took to get them to switch from name brand to private brand products. Technology is also changing the way people shop. Websites and apps allow cost-conscious consumers to create and manage shopping lists, count calories as they shop, and stay on budget. By putting coupons and promotions on the web we will not have to compete for attention at the point of purchase. Developing markets like China, India, and Brazil, offer long-term opportunities for higher sales and profits. Income growth and lifestyle changes such as more women in the work place will increase the appeal of the packaged goods that are popular in more developed markets. Because the retailers in America have so much power and are quickly gaining economies of scale, the opportunity for manufacturers overseas is attractive. The USDA’s low expectation for crop yields in the US in 2010, drought and heat hurting the Russian wheat crop, and higher demand for food in developing markets caused the commodities prices to rise (Graves). Obviously, such fluctuation in the cost of direct materials is threatening to the price structure of Smucker’s. However, entering into a contract with suppliers could be an opportunity for an advantage if prices continue to rise at a steady pace. Industry Analysis The processed foods industry is highly consolidated. There are three factors causing this—rapidly consolidating retail outlets, slowed growth in the food sector, and increased competition between brand name and private label products. 70 percent of industry sales are accounted for by Walmart, Kroger, Safeway, Supervalu/Albertson’s, and Ahold USA. This gives them a large advantage as far as buying power and allows them to demand slotting fees for good shelf space in their isles. The growth rate in the food industry in developed markets hung around 2 percent whereas in developing markets, the growth rate was around 3-4 percent. Developments in inventory monitoring technologies, increased capabilities to match brand name quality, and scale economies shifted power decisively towards retailers and escaladed competition with manufactures. For a list of Smucker’s competitors see table 3. Internal analysis (non-financial) The company operates 4 divisions (see Table 2). Their three part corporate strategy consisted of growing the market share of its existing brands, introducing new products, and making strategic acquisitions such as the 2009 acquisition of Foldgers. Smucker’s spent between $50 million and $77 annually between 2006 and 2009 on advertising. In 2010, they increased this by 70 percent to $131 million, developed 15 new commercials, and utilized digital marketing through search based ads, banner ads, and adds on social media sites. Financial In 2010 gross profit increased by 43 percent from 2009, and improved to 38. 8 percent of net sales from 33. percent over the same period (exhibit 1). Much improvement is due to the Folgers acquisition business and other coffee-related impacts in 2010 compared to 2009, such as low Green Coffee costs and volume-related plant efficiencies. Driven by gross profit improvements, operating income increased 75 percent in 2010 compared to 2009, and improved from 12. 0 percent to 17. 2 percent of net sal es (Annual). Restructuring, merger, integration costs were $43. 5 million lower in 2010 compared to 2009, as integration activities related to Folgers were near completion and restructuring costs had minimal impact. Broad general environment For packaged food manufacturers, higher food commodity prices heighten the prospect of profit margin pressure ahead. Demand has risen but price elasticity remains strong for this reason, it would be unwise to adjust prices to absorb the rising costs of commodities. In the processed foods industry, consolidation will continue for both retailers and manufacturers. Growth will continue to be higher in developing markets than in developed markets. Critical Issues The increased buying power of retail chains presents a threat to Smuckers. As they have an increased ability to charge stocking fees and make quality products for much less than we are able to. Another critical issue is the increasing price of commodities (Table 1). Objectives The strategic objectives are to increase the market share of its existing brands, introduce new products, and make strategic acquisitions. Financially, Smucker’s should increase its gross profit by 50% in 2010 and increase its market value by 2 million in order to overtake Hersey’s Co. (Table 3). Alternatives The first alternative is to invest in the developing market of India. The second alternative is to focus on developed markets and increase advertising. The third alternative is a supply contract with suppliers to lock in commodity prices. Analysis of Alternatives The advantage of expanding into the Indian market would be the increased sales revenue and the long term growth of the processed foods industry in developing markets. The disadvantages would be the increased costs of distribution and research. The risks would be to lose money in more than two consecutive periods after having invested in this or having a competitor enter into the market. The obstacles would be the Indian culture and developing a product that would be widely accepted. The advantage of protecting our market share with advertising is increased gross profits and higher customer retention. The disadvantage would be that if we don’t meet our sales goal, we will have lost a significant amount of money. The risk is that we have already invested a company record in advertising in 2010. The obstacle to this would be that we would not have any room to adjust the price down to compete with private brands as we would have to cover extra marketing costs.

Sunday, November 24, 2019

Free Essays on Al Capone - Chicago

Al Capone: His Treatment of the Chicago Public â€Å"Is it better to be loved or feared?† Calagero asks Sonny, a fictional crime boss, in Chazz Palmentari’s â€Å"A Bronx Tale†. Sonny goes on to tell Calagero that both are necessary to keep control, and also that he treats his men well. One thing Sonny does point out, however, is that he doesn’t treat his men too well or else they wouldn’t need him anymore. Both of these ideas must have been sparked by Al Capone’s control of Chicago during the roaring twenties. Capone was not only labeled â€Å"Public Enemy #1† by the press, but also somewhat of an American Hero by the average Chicago citizen. â€Å"I give the public what the public wants† Capone once told a reporter. This may have been true in some sense, but using the word â€Å"give† doesn’t give the true essence of what this man did to society. For a person to be considered a true hero they must, by definition, display four main personality traits: strength of character, integrity, selflessness, and an unfaltering courage. Now I’m sure that you could twist each of these around until you could easily relate them to what Capone did, but the fact of the matter is he wasn’t an American Hero. He was nothing more than a mob boss who broke the law, corrupted city officials and turned â€Å"The Windy City† into â€Å"Sin City†. Furthermore, the truth is he never helped the public, he merely took their money and used a small percentage of it to open up things such as soup kitchens just to make it look like he was helping them. Capone was born in 1899 in Brooklyn, New York. He was the fourth of nine children born to Gabriele and Teresina Capone, and the first of them to be both born and conceived in the United States. There was nothing out of ordinary in the Capone household. Gabriele was a barber, working normal hours and spending time with his children when not at work. Teresina, besides taking care of her nine chil... Free Essays on Al Capone - Chicago Free Essays on Al Capone - Chicago Al Capone: His Treatment of the Chicago Public â€Å"Is it better to be loved or feared?† Calagero asks Sonny, a fictional crime boss, in Chazz Palmentari’s â€Å"A Bronx Tale†. Sonny goes on to tell Calagero that both are necessary to keep control, and also that he treats his men well. One thing Sonny does point out, however, is that he doesn’t treat his men too well or else they wouldn’t need him anymore. Both of these ideas must have been sparked by Al Capone’s control of Chicago during the roaring twenties. Capone was not only labeled â€Å"Public Enemy #1† by the press, but also somewhat of an American Hero by the average Chicago citizen. â€Å"I give the public what the public wants† Capone once told a reporter. This may have been true in some sense, but using the word â€Å"give† doesn’t give the true essence of what this man did to society. For a person to be considered a true hero they must, by definition, display four main personality traits: strength of character, integrity, selflessness, and an unfaltering courage. Now I’m sure that you could twist each of these around until you could easily relate them to what Capone did, but the fact of the matter is he wasn’t an American Hero. He was nothing more than a mob boss who broke the law, corrupted city officials and turned â€Å"The Windy City† into â€Å"Sin City†. Furthermore, the truth is he never helped the public, he merely took their money and used a small percentage of it to open up things such as soup kitchens just to make it look like he was helping them. Capone was born in 1899 in Brooklyn, New York. He was the fourth of nine children born to Gabriele and Teresina Capone, and the first of them to be both born and conceived in the United States. There was nothing out of ordinary in the Capone household. Gabriele was a barber, working normal hours and spending time with his children when not at work. Teresina, besides taking care of her nine chil...

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Historical cost accounting and fair value acounting Essay - 1

Historical cost accounting and fair value acounting - Essay Example One of the most distinguished differences between these two lies in their definitions. While historic cost is the amount at which the asset or liability was originally obtained, fairvalue is the amount at which the asset could be exchanged or a liability settled between knowledgeable, willing parties in an arms length transaction. Another difference between them is that under historic cost accounting entries are made only when an actual transaction arises while under fairvalue accounting measurements are updated periodically even in the absence of explicit transactions. In historic cost accounting reported amounts can be calculated based on internally available information about prices in past transactions, without reference to outside data whereas fairvalue method requires current market prices to determine reported amounts, which may require estimation and can lead to reliability problems. In accordance with risk management, the fairvalue method easily reflects the most risk managed strategies while the historic cost method requires complex rules to attempt to reflect the most effect of most risk managed strategies. There has been a shift in the economic situation around the world and henceforth, we see a shift taking place in the accounting principles too. While historical cost method might have numerous advantages, the fairvalue has much more importance in today’s volatile markets. Fairvalue allows users of financial statements to obtain a more truer and fairer view of the company’s real financial situation as only fairvalue reflects the prevailing economic conditions and the changes in them. By contrast, historical cost based accounting shows the conditions that existed when